The Who, What & How of Giving Thanks
Here’s the who, what and how to remember this week of Thanksgiving.
“Who are you thankful for?” Stop and think about this question for a moment. I imagine when you do, that list starts to grow. Whether it’s people in your life now or those who have helped you along the way, remembering them is a healthy exercise for your mind and spirit.
I am most thankful for Jennie, my wife of 20 years (wow, that sounds like a long time!). Throughout the entire journey of marriage, she has remained a bedrock for me, a continuous source of dedication, support, and love. She is an amazing mother for our three children (not to mention our hyperactive dog!). And without her backing, I’m not able to build a thriving career. Thanks, wifey!
“What are you thankful for?” Consider the many different aspects of your life which merit a few moments of appreciation. Your health, work, faith, community, country, ability to be of service and many others can all be sources of goodness. We can easily become ensnared in our own self-involvement. Widening the lens to look in gratitude upon different areas of our life can break that snare.
I am incredibly thankful for the three opportunities I have had this month of November to be of service to young adults building healthy relationships in their lives. Each offered the opportunity to teach them the gift of Imago.
- “Connected & Loved: Strengthening Our Relationships with Christ, Ourselves & Others” weekend retreat for 60 members of the St. Monica community.
- “Start Right, Stay Connected” workshop for 15 committed and engaged couples.
- “Sexuality: At Home with Oneself; Femininity & Masculinity” full-day workshop for 27 men and women entering religious life at the Inter-Community Formation Program.
“How can you express your thanks?” Gratitude is not just a state of mind, it requires action. The who and what are great practices to reflect upon or journal about, however, you’ll give and receive the greatest joy when you express your thanks. And there are multitudes of ways to do this – words of appreciation, gifts, or acts of service, just to name a few. Remember, just doing it with a grateful heart is more important than what you do.
I hope this blog is one way of expressing my gratitude to you! Especially this week I look forward to expressing my thanks through text, e-mail, phone or (best yet) in-person dialogue or actions. And today, I look forward to serving the most vulnerable of our community at the annual Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Monica. It gives me just the right perspective to enter into the holiday season.
Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving!