
It’s Movember – Time to Help Men Get Healthy

It’s Movember (yes, I spelled it correctly), a month dedicated to focusing on men’s health.  Consider the following numbers:

  • 1 out of 9 men will develop prostate cancer.
  • Testicular cancer is the #1 form of cancer diagnosed in young adult men.
  • A man dies by suicide every minute of every day.
  • 19 million men will suffer from an anxiety disorder (13 million) or depression (6 million) this year.

These numbers can be changed.  And it all can start with a simple conversation.  Why is that easy?  Because men don’t talk and they don’t get help.  And as a result, our fathers, brothers, husbands, cousins, friends and co-workers are suffering and literally losing their lives.

So let’s talk about it.  That’s what 2 men did in Australia back in 2003 when they decided to grow moustaches to raise awareness for men’s health.  It’s now become a worldwide phenomenon.   Those 2 men have grown to over 5 million, and the $0 they raised in 2003 has grown to hundreds of millions of dollars for men’s health research and causes.  So if you notice a man growing a new moustache this month, ask him about it.  Or go to to learn more about this work.  (Disclaimer:  I have no financial ties to the organization, just want to give them a shout out).

For now, let’s talk about you because I want you to be healthy.  And don’t give me any kind of talk about sharing being a sign of weakness.  Bro, the idea that strong men don’t talk is old and worn out.  Even the NBA Players Association has hired a Mental Health Director, so if those fellas can talk about it, so can you.

Men, here’s how you can hit a HoMeR this Movember.  Ask yourself these three questions about your Health, Mental health and Relationships.  (Women, help us out by asking them to man you care about):

  1. When’s the last time you went for a check-up?  A routine physical and bloodwork is all it takes to help screen for these cancers and many other health issues.
  1. Do you feel nervous, anxious or on edge, irritable, or have difficulty relaxing or sleeping? Do you feel down, have little energy, difficulty concentrating or a loss of interest in doing things?  These could be signs that you are suffering from anxiety or depression, conditions which are very treatable… if you talk about it with the people who care about you and get help.
  1. Is there at least one person in your life that you can and do talk to about these things? A 75-year Harvard study found that the number one factor in men’s happiness was the quality of their closest relationships.  So grab coffee or grab a beer and have a conversation.  Seek out a men’s group if you don’t have anyone to talk with.

Let’s keep the conversation going and improve some men’s lives this Movember!

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