Keep your relationship strong!
Couples are invited to attend Dr. DiPaolo’s free 1-hour Zoominars offered every quarter.
Zoominars are always FREE.
Zoominars are open to any couple – dating, committed, engaged, married – who want to strengthen their relationship.
No registration is required, although an RSVP to [email protected] is always appreciated
Next Zoominar Date:
Wednesday, March 30
8:00 pm PST
Join me for my next Zoominar:
Can Movies Make Your Marriage Better?
Believe it or not, the answer is yes! And I’ve got the research to prove it. I’ll share the data from this research, but more importantly, I’ll engage you in the process so you can experience it for yourselves!
At our next Couple Zoominar on March 30, I invite you to:
- Slow down, connect, appreciate, and be appreciated by your partner
- Learn how movies can make your marriage better
- Watch a film clip and talk with your partner about a few key ideas and how they might apply to your relationship
- Share some key takeaways as a group and have time for Q&A
And we’ll do it all in under an hour.
No registration is required, although an e-mail RSVP is appreciated!
All are welcome! Feel free to spread the word.
Not familiar with my Zoominars? Check out the FAQs below.
Zoominar FAQs
What is a Zoominar?
A Zoominar is a webinar offered on Zoom.
What happens during the Zoominar?
I will present content to help build, grow, heal and strengthen your relationship. I’ll engage you in simple exercises to deepen your connection – exercises that you can take and start practicing right away. Then you’ll have an opportunity for questions and discussion.
Who can come?
ANY couple – dating, committed, engaged, or married – wanting a great relationship!
Is it like therapy?
No. It is educational and designed to give you a few moments to connect and feel supported. You don’t have to share anything with the group. Although hopefully, you will want to share with your partner!
How long does it last?
The content and exercises are designed to last about 30-45 minutes, followed by Q&A for the final 15 minutes. Feel free to “Ask the Expert” anything you want!
Previous Zoominars, some on video, below
Creating Your Holiday Vision
Amidst to frantic pace of the season, wouldn’t it be nice to have a few moments to slow down and connect with your partner? And then, wouldn’t it be nice to figure out how to do more of it on a regular basis?
Join me on Wednesday, December 15 at 8:00 for a free one-hour Zoominar – “Creating Your Holiday Vision” when I will help you answer those questions with a resounding “YES!” During the Zoominar, you will
- celebrate what’s right in your relationship
- explore what’s really important to you about the Christmas and New Year holidays
- identify specific actions to make that vision a reality
And we’ll do it all in under an hour.
No registration is required, although an e-mail RSVP is appreciated!
All are welcome! Feel free to spread the word.
Not familiar with my Zoominars? Check out the FAQs below.
10 Things You Can Do For Your Relationship Right Now!
Wednesday, July 21
7:30 pm PST
It’s summertime! Time to keep things cool, but also keep your relationship sizzling! Take a pause, join fellow couples on the journey, and learn some new strategies to gift your relationship. In this Zoominar, I will outline 10 Things You Can Do For Your Relationship Right Now! And we’ll practice a few of them along the way!
And as part of those 10 things, I’ll give you one communication strategy that can turn around any disagreement.
Three Attitudes & Actions to Create Joy
Wednesday, March 10
8:00 pm
For Christians, the period of Lent is a time of reflection and preparation for the joy of Easter. We typically think about this as an individual journey, yet it is also a shared journey with your partner!
For all of us, taking time to slow down and reflect is essential to create joy in our relationships
Join me on Wednesday, March 10 at 8:00 for this FREE Zoominar.
In this Zoominar, I will discuss three important attitudes in cultivating joy in your relationship – gratitude, service, and humility. Each will have an accompanying action that you can start practicing right away (even during our Zoominar!).
More about those three attitudes:
- “My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy” – Louise Hay.
We’ll bookend our Zoominar with gratitude practices to deepen your connection with one another.
- “A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.” – Daphne Polselli
I’ll identify three different ways of being of service to your partner and iinvite you to put them into action.
- “In every relationship, please remember this: Pride poisons. Humility heals.” – Dave Willis
I’ll discuss three types of humility and how your relationship calls you to the highest type.
Giving Thanks &
Preparing for Holidays Like No Other
This election is unnerving. All week I have been getting calls and talking to people who feel the anxiety impacting them and their relationships. There is so much uncertainty swirling in the air. Things feel out of control. And don’t look now, here come the holidays. Does anyone have the instruction manual for how to celebrate holidays in a pandemic? (I didn’t think so.)
When it seems like there is so much we can’t do, we need to turn our focus onto what we can do.
Join me Wednesday, November 11 at 7:30 pm for a free one-hour Zoominar:
“Giving Thanks & Preparing for Holidays Like No Other.”
In this Zoominar (webinar on Zoom), I will:
- Lead you through an exercise of Thanksgiving for one another
- Discuss three core strategies for approaching the holidays (yes, including how to deal with your families!)
- Answer your questions
Join me Tuesday, August 18 at 8:00
Improve Your Relationship
Without Saying A Word
38 minutes
Sometimes the words just get in the way. You try to talk about it but get nowhere. Well, I want to let you in on two secrets to give you a new way to look at it.
Secret #1: The key to a healthy relationship is connection, not communication. This coming from a relationship therapist who teaches couples how to communicate. But the truth of the matter is that communication is the vehicle to improving your connection. It is the means to the end. And words are just one way we communicate with one another.
Secret #2: The key to working on your relationship is working on yourself. Let go of trying to change your partner. The only person you can truly change is yourself. And when you do that you can help bring change to your relationship. I often tell couples coming in for therapy that I’m inviting them to do their individual work together.
So put these together, and yes you can improve your relationship without saying a word. If you don’t want to take my word for it, you can read a whole book about it: How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It by Patricia Love & Steven Stosny. It’s a great read.
For now, let me invite you to not just learn about it, but experience it in one hour.
In this Zoominar (webinar on Zoom), I will:
- Discuss 3 core qualities that will help bring your best self to the relationship: calm, curious, compassionate
- Lead you through a 10-minute couples exercise to build those qualities & your connection… without saying a word!
- Answer your questions